bring me the sunset in a cup
and i will drink deep
of sunny childhood's laughter
tumbling romps in neighbor's yards
picnics on quilted blankets
grapes and strawb'ries exploding in mouths
of long-ago lovers' sighing
sweet kisses on sandy beaches
long walks through emerald arches
leaf'd lanes by sapphire waters
of golden summer's promise
joyful dandelions in unfettered meadows
lazy heat shimm'ring on upturned face
bronzed by sun's blazing touch
of purple evening's peace
whispering breezes on shaded paths
fireflies flick'ring in amethyst twilight
caught a moment in glass, then freed
bring me the sunset in a cup
and i will drink deep
and capture each memory in a draught
--TeacherMommy, 2009
11 years ago
2 bits of love:
i just stopped by to wish you a happy mother's day.
and now that i'm here, i'll also say i love your poem!
Allow me to make your day, you attention whore, by following this entertaining blog for awhile, thus replacing your lost follower with a completely lost and bewildered new follower.
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