11 years ago
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Birth Day
She was young, too young, and the mother of five young children who still needed her as children always need their mothers, small or no. She had been dying by inches, holding on for days and weeks through pain and vomiting and decay and her body's rejection of man's last attempts to save it. She held on by sheer will, something left undone, something left unfinished. It wasn't, somehow, her time.
Four years ago today, her husband held her hand and told her she could go. He loved her, he always would, but she could let go. It was time to go Home.
And she left us, quietly, between one breath and another, slipping from this world into the next, leaving behind parents and siblings and nieces and nephews and friends beyond count, leaving behind the five children who had also said their farewells to what extent they understood.
The news traveled. We wept. Even though I was stone, I wept. And I was angry. Death had robbed her of all the years she should have spent on this earth.
Four years later, I still weep. But now, I see that day from a new perspective. I cannot be truly angry. I do not understand why she left us too soon, but I do understand something else.
What we saw as Death was instead her Birth.
Hers were tears of joy as she stood in a new body, one that stood tall and strong, her hair thick and full again, her skin unswollen and unblemished. No pain. No anguish. She ran with sure feet, arms spread open, and gathered in the children waiting there, the precious souls she had never known as more than a momentary existence before loss had swept them away. Her face rose to the blazing glory that lay before her, and she shone in the light of the Son.
Her real life began then.
C. S. Lewis says we live in the Shadowlands, the dim, dark outline of that country that lies Further Up and Further In, where lies "the beginning of the true story, which goes on forever, and in which every chapter is better than the one before." She lives there now, and her story here with us was but the Prologue to the eternal one written by the Great Author.

Posted by
Teacher Mommy
missing you,
saying goodbye,
the view from eternity

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Wait! Where Are You Going?

8 bits of love:
The world that you described here, a world where parents are separated from their children at too young an age, where people suffer tremendous pain before passing on, is not the world that God made for us, but the world we created through the fall. You are correct that He will return us to the status He created for us. In His time. It’s good to see that during your time this loss is a little easier to handle. I hope that her children are doing well.
Her new life has just begun. So true and so encouraging. I miss her, too.
this kind of took my breath away. you could have been writing this about my mother.
thank you.
I hope K has met Jennie, my sister-in-law. She went home too early too.
And now you've made me cry.
My heart goes out to you and to her entire family.
I miss her. But I'm so glad she was here with us for as long as she was. And I, too, picture her in a wonderful life with the One she loved most of all. And God caring for those kids she left behind -- they are being loved, in answer to her prayer. Thank you for remembering. Thank you for reminding us all. March 9 is just one Special Day.
I miss her. But I'm so glad she was here with us for as long as she was. And I, too, picture her in a wonderful life with the One she loved most of all. And God caring for those kids she left behind -- they are being loved, in answer to her prayer. Thank you for remembering. Thank you for reminding us all. March 9 is just one Special Day.
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