They said it couldn't happen.
They said the district is too stingy to allow it to happen.
They said things would get cleaned up in time.
They said everything would be business as usual.
They were wrong.
SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Time to go play. Enjoy your desk jobs, suckas!!!! This teacher is OUT!
11 years ago
7 bits of love:
Hahahahaha...all those non-believers from yesterday were wrong!! And when we go back next I get to say I told you so! Enjoy your day!
Sounds like fun!
Our district called off and there isn't any snow yet. Why? If I wanted to take a day off from work I certainly didn't want to spend it breaking up fights between my children.
Yippee! Enjoy your day of freedom! I hope you can kick back with a hot tea and spend the day relaxing!!
We NEVER get snow days here in France, EVER. Not allowed.
Hurray! Make sure you truly enjoy it!
We had one also. I love snow days
You better be pleased you don't live here. No such thing as a snow day. Nursery is ALWAYS open - even on Christmas Day.
I however am looking at the snow and thinking about my duvet.
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