I made you brownies
Warm chocolate fudge delight
Welcoming you home
I hope you eat them
With ice cold milk in crystal
Remembering me
You introduced me
To chocolate chip cookies
Baking them yourself
Fresh from the oven
You placed them, still gooey warm,
On a plate to share
Then you handed me
A crystal goblet of milk
To wash them all down
I sat there in doubt
Cookies and milk were not my thing
Yet you had made them
So I tasted one
Gush of chocolate on tongue
Rough sweetness of dough
Milk was good that night
Teeth chiming on crystal lip
Cold and crisp and sweet
You rarely brought gifts
Of flowers and other things
I thought romantic
But you baked cookies
And poured out some milk for me
And made me love them
For those things alone
I will always treasure you
My sweet Cookie Man
3 bits of love:
Sweet, in more ways than one.
I hear your heart. Du courage!
May your sweet touth be satisfied by your sweetheart.
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