two small boys on beach
splash through the shallows and sand
shrieks of glee and fun
i sit on a rock
damp granite on sandy rear
content to watch them
once i too ran here
building sandcastles in sun
endless energy
these days i prefer
to simply sit, supervise
and sip lemonade
go play, small boylets
for these are innocent years
and too soon are gone
4 bits of love:
i hope you're having a nice and relaxing time!
see you monday!!
Desist the blogging,
to your vacation return
your rapt attention!
Hold, on second thought,
admonishment is withdrawn.
A respite blog gives.
This day I too spent
at beach play with my daughter
and have burns as proof.
Your experiment
is appreciated, this
Haiku Friday meme.
I stink at haiku. Poetry in general, even.
You, however, do not. Smile!
Hee hee--boylets. :)
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