Diapers and Dragons

Sunday, July 5, 2009

It Only Took An Hour And A Half Each Way But It Totally Counts As A Road Trip When There Are Young Children Involved

For the Fourth of July I loaded the kidlets up in the car, crammed my lanky brother in the driver's seat , and headed off to Saginaw to visit my paternal grandparents. I'll write about the visit later, but here is some eye candy from the trip up there. You're welcome.

DramaBoy concentrates on choosing the next letter to push on his "computer." Which then causes loud music to play and a woman's voice to inform him about the letter he has chosen and the corresponding word that begins with that letter. Fun times. Especially in a car.

The Widget's "computer" may be smaller, but it's just as loud. And annoying.

DramaBoy realizes there's a camera out: ergo, there's mugging to be done.

The Widget just recently got the hang of the whole "smile for the camera" thing. I think he may have it down.

The faithful bro, driving the fam.

Well, until he got too sleepy and made me take over. You'd think he stays up to the wee hours of the morning or something. Notice the tasteful (sort of) white duct tape keeping the side mirror attached to the frame. I'm classy like that.

The most you're gonna see of me from that particular day. Now I wish I'd taken the time to do a home pedicure or something.

Note the tiny chip in the windshield toward the upper left corner (no, that's not a bug). What you don't see is the massive crack that appeared from a more recent and even smaller chip about a month or so ago. Right across the driver's side. At eye level.

There's probably a good reason my car isn't a big target for auto thieves.

By the way, if there are any cute, intelligent, sweet young ladies out there looking for a fairly good-looking (I'm his sister--he'll always look like a dork to me) 22-year-old young man who is highly intelligent, rather geeky (in a good way, mostly), very sweet, great with children, an excellent listener, and a pretty good cook...

...would you mind staying away for a while? Cuz I'm kinda finding it useful to have him around. Just sayin'.

10 bits of love:

Beth said...

He does sound like a treasure! But because it's you asking, I promise not to dump my dh and snatch him away from you and your boys.

Hope you had a great trip!

Mocha Dad said...

You've got to keep the kids occupied or else a trip to the grocery store will seem like a road trip.

Unknown said...

Your kids are cute.

Liz K said...

sounds like a fun trip! Glad your bro is such a big help!

how is it that I get a real word for the verification...sends!

Kathleen said...

Cute shoes! ;-)

Vodka Mom said...

he sounds like a CATCH! Unfortunately Bitchy already has a fella.

And your two angels? Adorable.

Heidi said...

Maybe we need to set your brother and my little sister up - she's a few years older but dude, she could do with a NICE GUY instead of the chain of "oh, let me mold you into what I think a woman should be" guys that she had before grad school.

mom said...

Who knows, writing about your bro may yet get him hooked up with someone . . . on the other hand, your plea for "dibs" on his presence is very persuasive. And probably a bit safer for him at the moment. Course, guess who's speaking. I loved the pics of the boys and the chance to ride up north a while with you all. Thanks, hon.

Schmoochiepoo said...

Cute boys :)

Thank goodness mine still falls asleep 3 mins after leaving the driveway every single time.

Mackenzie09 said...

This Blog really made me smile. I love kids, especially when they are not my own and I can enjoy pictures of them without having to deal with colds, tears, and messes.

Tehe =]

I can't wait for next year to start so I can come visit you. We can yell at the little freshman together while they wine about us having double chocolate muffins!!! MUAHAHAHAH!!!

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